Robot Vacuum iRobot Roomba 981 & iRobot Roomba i6+ | Read It Before Buying - Spanirix

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Robot Vacuum iRobot Roomba 981 & iRobot Roomba i6+ | Read It Before Buying

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Alright. If you are reading this post then that means you are looking to buy a robot vacuum cleaner to make your life easier. If you have never used a robot vacuum before then please read the full article. Here I'll discuss the advantage and disadvantages of these 2 models and by the way, Roomba 981 is 40% off & Roomba i6+ is 30% off. So if you are interested to buy a vacuum cleaner then now is the time. 


So, nowadays house applications are becoming more and more automated. Nobody wants to spend more time on chores either because they are busy or they are just lazy. Now, cleaning your house is an essential activity especially if you have furry animals or you are in a place where lots of dust flying around. This is why you need a vacuum cleaner. But wait you are already busy, you don't have time to use a vacuum cleaner. This is where robotic vacuum comes. Automated vacuum cleaners were not that popular back then just because they were very loud and expensive. Well, they still make sounds but not as loud as they used to do. 

If you are thinking about buying one then you might've come across iRobot vacuum cleaners. This is pretty obvious cause they are pretty popular and easy to setup. Well, if you are buying one then just remember these vacuum cleaners will get stuck (rarely) and they might face some problem on dark carpets (a software update could fix that but I don't know if developers read my articles). Sometimes it doesn't return to the charging station. 

Let's talk about the similarities of these 2 models

Both of these support app controls and voice commands. Both works with Alexa. They won't fall from the higher ground because of the smart navigation. These 2 models can automatically detect carpet and increase suction power. You can also do scheduled cleaning.

Now, let's talk about the difference between Roomba 981 & Roomba i6+

The main difference is automated dirt disposal. Yes, Roomba 981 can not clean itself but Roomba i6+ has this feature. And it is actually helpful if you are a super busy or super lazy person. In Roomba i6+, you can clean specific rooms or specific zone. You can customize the cleaning zone in Roomba i6+. Basically, Roomba i6+ is like Roomba981 with better features. 

Why you shouldn't buy iRobot vacuum cleaner

Well, some people say privacy matters. And this is where the problem arises. It is important to remember that your automated vacuum cleaner may be collecting your data, room structure in order to operate. So, if you are concerned about data sharing then you should avoid them and do everything manually. That means you have to clean your own house (I know it sounds stupid).

Which one to buy?

Well, if you hate cleaning the cleaner then you can always go for Roomba i6+. You need to do some maintenance if you buy Roomba 981. But if you want to relax then you should go for Roomba i6+. On the other hand, if your budget is tight then you can go for Roomba 981. 

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